Don Livesay, Arizona and Utah Executive Director for the Screen Actors Guild, loves new opportunities for actors in Arizona. Don's job is to administer contracts for film, television, internet, new media, and a host of other venues for productions looking to utilize SAG actors. "We have the best talent in the world and the best in Arizona," says Livesay, who has been with SAG since 1981.
For independent filmmakers looking to make their low- and no-budget productions, it can seem out of reach to use SAG talent, but there are some great resources many independent filmmakers may not be aware of. Pointing to the SAGIndie site, Livesay notes the Short Film and Ultra-Low Budget Agreements are powerful resources for filmmakers. The Short Film Agreement covers films budgeted at less than $50,000 and less than 35 minutes in length and allows for deferred salaries as well as both professional and non-professional talent. The Ultra-Low Budget Agreement covers features with a budget of less than $200,000 and features a day rate for talent of $100 a day. Many first-time filmmakers may not be at that point, but after a few films, and a small amount of money coming in, one can be in a position to hire SAG actors. “The advantage of SAG actors is that you are getting someone who’s saving your time and money - not dozens of takes; staying on schedule and under budget.”
"It's best to involve SAG as early as possible in the production," comments Livesay. This allows Livesay to provide a contract that best suits the needs of the production. It gives you the advantage of professional talent without the costly dangers of numerous retakes and with the high-quality standards of professional actors. "With non-members, it's a gamble. The difference between professional and non-professional is quality," notes Livesay. Even if it’s outside of your budget, Livesay notes, it’s best to involve SAG “in the early stages of production so they can be a partner. SAG wants to make the project happen so performers will have work.”
For actors, the advantages of joining SAG are many. Among other things, a pension, insurance, safety, proper handling of credit and royalties (even across multiple property ownership), and, of course, performance eligibility for big-budget productions. Livesay encourages performers and actors or anyone doing a film to consider SAG.
Don Livesay encourages filmmakers and actors to contact him at the Arizona SAG office, (480) 264-7696 or toll-free at 800-724-0767. You can also contact Don via email at For filmmakers, have a look at the SAGIndie site to see what advantages SAG can offer your production, download contracts, submit a casting breakdown, and find valuable filmmaker resources.